Elegant Elegant

Story of Elegant


Nestled in one of the bustling business capitals of India - Gujarat - Elegant brings its clients a wide range of exquisite lab grown diamonds. Our unique brand is one of the leading suppliers of man-made diamonds to clients across the globe. At Elegant, we refuse to compromise on the quality of our services. Hence, we ensure that our diamonds are cut, designed, and delivered with the utmost care. Our manufacturing facilities boast of state-of-the-art machineries and laboratories that allow us to produce ethical, cruelty-free, and high-quality CVD lab grown diamonds. At our exclusive Elegant outlets, you can now choose your ideal diamond from the many intricate designs and cuts we provide. We offer affordable lab grown diamonds that are sure to exceed all customer expectations.

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Story of Elegant


lab grown

Lab Grown diamonds are no different from natural ones found in the Earth. They are created under laboratory and man-made conditions, by mimicking the Earth's natural processes. Unlike the Earth-grown ones, man-made diamonds are easy on the pocket, and the environment.

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